ReMSTEP Project
ReMSTEP (Reconceptualising Maths and Science Teacher Education Programs) was a three year (2014-2017) collaborative project led by the University of Melbourne in association with Deakin, La Trobe and Monash universities. The project responded to the need for improved competence and confidence in the teaching of science and maths, as a pre-service focus, across the Australian Curriculum. Presenter-lead video guides for teaching maths using parabolas, fractals and knots were developed and produced by Magpie Content Creation, in collaboration with staff in the Faculties of Education and Science at Monash University. The content is aimed at pre-service teachers, but is just as relevant to practicing teachers of secondary school mathematics. The project aimed to challenge preconceived ideas about what maths is and isn’t, and for the beauty of maths for the real world to be appreciated, understood and shared with maths learners.